International business development strategies
With this Workshop, the participants will obtain methodology and will practice the strategies and competencies necessary to develop an international business development model
International growth: Stravalue framework of international strategies and competencies
Where to grow? International Macro and Micro economical scenarios of growth
New markets? New consumer segments? New sale channels?
How to grow in global markets? Marketing and Commercial Strategies for international development
- International Product and Service strategy: development and innovation at a local –global level.
- International Value and Pricing strategy: methodology to define product and service pricings in international markets.
- International Sales and Distribution strategy: identification of international sales channels and online and offline distribution models and how to arrive to international key accounts, clients and global consumers.
- International Branding and Communication strategy: online and offline communication strategies in international markets.
Resolve a practical case that allows participants to practice through role-playing the strategies, methodology and good practices necessary for developing global business.
The Stravalue International Key Drivers: the basics, the value deconstruction, the crossline and the cross-cultural.

New trends in sales teams: the consultant seller
A solid academically and practically training enables a company’s sales team to:
Become “communicator” or a “bridge” between the market/client and the organization
Become a client´s consultant, more than seller
New trends in communication: the use of social networks
A solid academically and practically training in the use of new technologies and social networks:
As a result, the company is developing tools for increasing online and offline brand visibility, presence and knowledge.
Brand Positioning
A solid academically and practically training towards an innovating and differential marketing communication that offers a:
Higher visibility, presence, recognition, notoriety, and memory of the brand.
Differentiation from competitor brands.
Cultivating the client´s loyalty: relationship marketing
A solid academically and practically training towards:
Working together in order to achieve client satisfaction.
Building long – term business relations with clients.
Integrating the client and its need in the company value – chain
Building clients community